Thursday, July 10, 2008

Seeing past the discomfort

Tomorrow, Friday, is the day for the once a month methotrexate chemotherapy spinal tap. We somewhat have that routine down now and can anticipate what will happen and how careful Andrea needs to be the next few days.
Monday the plans are for her to take the Vidaza shots once a day for 5 days. She's been drinking as much water as she can so her creatinine levels are good in order to take those shots, so we'll see what the blood tests reveal tomorrow. As with most of us, a good motto may be: "work in progress".


Anonymous said...

Thank you for allowing us to share the journey. I remember the days when Patsy would be giving herself shots at home to restart the blood system. We thought it was tough, but it now seems minor compared to what you are doing daily.
Blessings and peace, Allen T.

Thailand Tracey said...

Just wanted to check in to let you know that your sweet family continues to be in our prayers. We hope the week has gone well and that the progress continues moment by moment. Love you, Tracey

Anonymous said...

Andrea, remember God is with you. You are his child. Think about it the creator of the universe is your Father. Wow! Call on him for strength.

God Bless!

Your Brother in Christ

Anonymous said...

Andrea & J

Please know you contiue to be in our prayers daily. We Love You!!

Sheli & Jim

Krista said...

Andrea, I was a Pi Phi at TCU the year you were the Rush Chair. I still remember how beautiful you looked during our last round of Pref in that white dress. We were the best - making all of us laugh right before we opened the front doors to the group of girls waiting outside.

I often view your page and I want you to know that you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Kelly Dragues, Lindsey Schroeder, Kayt Drickey etc are also always thinking of you and wishing you the very best! I saw your wedding photograph in the most recent TCU Mag - congratulations!

Krista Londoff

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,

I just can't help but feel that things are looking up. And I do appreciate all of the news so I know what to pray for. I feel like I have been in hibernation lately, but then I realized that it was July, and bears are out of hibernation by now, so I guess I will too. That is one thing I learned about cancer -- you tend to go into hibernation.

I look forwand to this chemo being over and done for you. I have always been told to drink water so that your veins are nice and ready for needles. Not necessarily a pleasant reason to drink water, but a good thing nevertheless.

Take care of yourself. I am praying daily.

Love, Carolyn

David Michael said...

Dr. Luthringer,

Andrea and your family continues to be in our prayers!


the Barnetts

_____ Random Thoughts _________

We are all a work in progress, some of us need physical work, others of us, such as myself, need a lot of spiritual and mental work -- also physical work.

I am tired of working though stuff and being worked on though. It is okay to be tired.

Somedays I wonder if God is on vacation just before the big show ends or begins, depending on your perspective.

It is okay to say, "this really sucks!" Sometimes I feel like Captain Dan with Forrest Gump on top of the mast, yelling at God, "is this all you got?" Captain Dan had some guts -- and then there was Jonah.

There are so many things that we project on God. I am not sure if anyone really knows God (or Jesus or the Holy Spirit). "You sure are a lot different than I thought you would be," is probably what I will be saying. I am more familiar with the guys on the other team though. The darkside's playbook is so much easier to understand. I guess it would make a great opera, "Me, Me, Me, Meeee.."

Bottomline, this life is going to be over sooner than we thought it would be. Maybe we will all be sitting around somewhere saying, "that wasn't so bad."

Life is such a mystery.

"The mystery is this - Christ in you (or me)." Now that's a mystery!