Friday, August 08, 2008


I didn't think we'd be disappointed to NOT have chemo, but Andrea is at the point she would like for everything to go as scheduled so it will be fininshed. Today she could not get the scheduled spinal tap with chemo because her red blood count was too low. Most probable causes for this are the chemotherapies of the past, so we go in Monday to see what the blood counts are. We ate liver at Luby's at lunch to see if the iron in that boosts her system, and more yummy proteins this weekend are in we'll see what comes of it. Otherwise, she is feeling okay, so we'll be praying for a boost in her white and red blood cells.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the updates. Andrea - we love you and continue to pray for you and your family!

Jake and Jenna (Graham) Shaw