Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Bigger Hiccup

With the higher kidney levels, Andrea started feeling more fatigued and nauseous last week; however, her greatest concern was when her left arm went numb. MDA ran an MRI of the brain and a spinal tap with no chemo on Monday. The good news from the spinal tap is that there are no cancer cells, but the MRI showed a new high intensity spot in the medulla of the brain. Basically, the neurologist said Andrea has had too much aggressive chemo which is causing the spot in the brain, numbness in her arm, throwing her kidneys off balance, and giving her massive headaches . We are meeting with a renal nutritionist tomorrow to help her plan a diet to combat all these issues. I think it is safe to say "No More Chemo"!
Let's just say with Andrea being left handed, she can recover from this quickly.
You know what's next.....pray, pray, pray. : )


Anonymous said...

You've got it, we will pray. I'll pass the word on to my fellow teachers at school tomorrow and the circle will begin. We think of you all daily and wish all the best for you and hope to see you soon. Love Peggy and Dan

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,
More and more prayers are on the way. You're in my thoughts and heart and at times. Hope you hear good things from the renal specialist.
Love, Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that I am praying for you and for your physicians as they plan your next course of treatment. God has used your many physicians in such marvelous ways for your continued healing process. Love, mByr

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, our prayers for you have been renewed and refocused as a friend from college has just begun treatment for Leukemia as well. We're praying regularly.

It's hard for the kids to pray for a cousin they've never met--maybe we'll have to get out towards Texas someday soon so the boys can see the family.

Angie Deuel Foster

Anonymous said...

We are praying for this new development!

Love you guys!

Jen Harp

Anonymous said...

andrea just keep the faith like you have been doing. We pray for yo all the time. Hang in there and know we love you !

sandra and amanda

S. Farris said...

Hey Andrea,

Glad I got to see you and your mom in passing the other day. I'm going to be praying for you.


Anonymous said...


Hang in there and stay strong. I will pray for fast healing and fast relief of your symptoms!


Michelle Meyer

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I hope at the time you get this email that things are better. I feel so helpless! I wish I could just snap my fingers and make it all better. But I cant, I can do something more powerful and that is pray to our Heavenly Father. I pray that God gives you a peace that passes all understanding. I pray that God turns your pain into a passion for him. I pray for your family. I pray for eyesight. Long story short, I just pray, pray, pray for you! It is the best I can give.

God BLESS you!

Your Brother in Christ!!