Sunday, January 04, 2009

Need Powerful Prayers

Since the last posting Andrea and J have become Aunt Andrea and Uncle J.! It was wonderful to welcome Levi into this world Dec. 22. Andrea's sister, Kristin, (who has been Andrea's stem cell donor twice), is doing well and I got to spend the first week with Kristin, James and Levi when they came home from the hospital. Levi is such a sweet baby boy.
Over the past two weeks Andrea has experienced progressive nerve damage on her right side. The doctors have run blood tests, spinal taps, and MRIs. Thank goodness some doctors work during the holidays.
Thank you God that all tests are CLEAR.
The diagnosis is nerve damage from the combination of radiation/chemo.
Even though Andrea hasn't had chemo since October, it is the long term affects of the treatment that is causing headaches, shooting pains on her right cheek, occasional nausea, and even additional balance problems that started this past week. Her kidneys are still having a hard time, too.
Tomorrow, Monday, we go to Memorial Hermann to see the Wound Care Unit where, hopefully, Andrea will be put in a hyperbaric chamber that will increase the oxygen flow in her blood stream that promotes healing. The MDA doctor said there were two cases in Israel that matched Andrea's case study that had marked improvement from the hyperbaric chamber. He thinks it is possible to stop this progressive nerve damage.
We know that with God it is possible (Matt. 19:26, Mark 9:23, 10:27), and we are so, so thankful for each and every prayer you lift up for Andrea.
Again she needs powerful prayers.


Anonymous said...

Kathy, I will certainly pray for Andrea. We serve an awesome God! What would we do if we did not have him to call on? I pray fervently for Andrea's peace and healing. Congratulations on the birth of your Grandchild! I have two myself.. wow what a blessing.

God Bless!!

Your Brother in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Andrea, we will be praying for you and your complete healing. We hope the hyperbaric chamber will give you healing and comfort. God bless you. Love, Kristin, Katrina and Art

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea, or I should say Aunt Andrea -- that is such exciting news about Levi.

I will definitely be praying for your healing, and will be thinking about you today. I hope it goes well, and that the chamber does the job and provides relief. God bless you!

Love, Carolyn


Emily said...

Congratulations on the addition to the family. I continue to life Andrea up daily to God.

I would also ask, selfishly, that you would pray for my aunt, Laura, who was just diagnosed with stage 4 breast and bone cancer. We choose to believe that God will do amazing and healing things.

Anonymous said...

Love you guys!


Thailand Tracey said...

Good news...bad news. We lift both praise and pleas before God. Praise God for precious Levi and the unmeasurable joy he'll bring you all. Also, know that we'll never stop pleading for a complete recovery for Andrea...can't wait to celebrate that day!
Love you,