Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prayers to be Strong

Andrea’s lung infection has not gotten better. She has decided not to
go to MD Anderson for physical or occupational therapy since she is
weaker. We continue to pray for strength, mercy and grace. Andrea is
reminded of how many people are praying for her daily and she really appreciates it.
We remember you in our prayers too.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lung Infection Not Better

It's been 2 weeks since my last report and in the past that is how long it takes for the IV medicine to take affect and for Andrea to feel better from the lung infection. But, this time the lung infection continued to worsen and it is taking stronger and different IV meds to keep infection down. Andrea's spirits are not down, though. We continue to laugh at
Zeus and Tito's antics. Zeus is allowed in Andrea's bedroom and
Tito is not, so they play this game that Zeus can always win when he has had enough ---- after all Zeus is 5 yrs old and Tito is not quite 2 yrs old!

Our prayers are mighty strong as Andrea struggles, and you guys are remembered everyday as we praise God and ask for healing for each of you whether it is a physical, emotional or spiritual battle you are facing. Andrea sends her love to each of you for being such diligent prayer warriors.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

New Pesky Lung Infection soon as Andrea begins to gain strength and everyone tells her that it is so much easier to understand her, a new lung infection pops up that weakens her whole body. She started two new antibiotics/antifungals today that we hope will zap the culprits. Andrea still went to occupational therapy today before going to the apheresis clinic to receive the first antifungal. It was at OT she realized how weak she really did feel.
We really appreciate the prayers and please know that we think of you all daily, too.