Friday, April 21, 2006

Andrea's heroes, please keep praying

Hi. This is Kathy, Andrea's mom, posting tonight. So much has been happening with Andrea continuing to get check ups and growing a bit stronger each day.
Plans now are for her to start the bone marrow transplant process May 1. It is supposed to last 100 days, with at least 30 of those being admitted to M.D. Anderson Hospital.
I thank each and every one of you reading this blog for praying for Andrea and saving her life. There was only so much that the doctors and nurses could do at St. Luke's Hospital and it was you who prayed with us for God to perform His miracles to keep her alive again and again. You are her heroes. God heard you and saved her. While at St. Luke's, Andrea got the boost she needed to survive from the platelets from J., Mark and Debbie. What special heroes! And each of you who gave blood to Andrea, thank you. I read the list to Andrea of over 100 of you who gave blood and we cry with gratitude. What heroes! And many of you gave over and over again. Thank you so very much.
Kristin, Andrea's sister, is a her hero by donating her bone marrow. There is only a 25% chance that a sibling's marrow will match, so when the pathologist personally delivered the great news that Kristin was a match, we were all elated. Thank you, Kristin, for undergoing a week's hospital rigorous process and turning your arm black and blue to give the gift of life. Thank you, Jimbo, for being such a support through this process. You are our heroes.
The whole Martin family has heroically supported us through the daily process of physical and emotional needs. Thank you for being there, time and time again. It is awesome to witness and experience sacrifical love being poured out upon Andrea.
The special cards, messagaes and telephone calls are so much appreciated.
Our church friends, Jim, Jim, Cheryl, Randy and Beall, were our heroes getting us moved into our house and we really, really appreciate that. Perry is not only a good wig coordinator, but a good room organizer, too. Thank you so much to each of you.
I could go on and on about how wonderful you all are, so I'll make it short by saying that thank you to each of you will never be enough. One thing for sure, though, I do see the love of God and Christ shining through each of you. For those of you who live far away, we do feel the blessings of your prayers. God is listening. He is healing. Please keep praying for Andrea's sight and for complete cure.
Love to all,


Anonymous said...

Kathy and families, Thanks to all of you for the updates on Andrea. I know all of you have been busy helping Andrea and each other. You bless and inspire each one of us with your testimonies of faith and courage. Andrea, Kristin and everyone closely involved with Andrea are such wonderful witnesses for our Lord. You and Lynn are blessed to have two very beautiful daughters. Keep us posted as you are able and please rest assured that prayers for healing have not ceased, nor will they until Andrea's recovery is complete in every way. Our prayers encompass all of you, as well as Andrea. So glad for you and Lynn that you are finally getting to settle into your home.Love, mBeyer

Anonymous said...

Hi Kathy,

It is so good to get an update. You know you and Andrea and your family are my heroes. What an inspiration you are to all of us.

My prayers go out to you daily, and will continue to do so.


Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you Dre as you go throuh this proscess. You are such a strong person, and you will get through this. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Please know that we continue to pray daily for Andrea and the entire family. It is great to hear an update.

Praying Without Ceasing,

Anonymous said...

Kathy and all,
Sorry we haven't communicated in a while, but rest assured Andrea is still in our prayers. We hope to see you all this summer as you are neighbors now! We are busy with Catie's graduation, can you believe it, and we promise to get in touch. Please give our love to Andrea, she is never far from our thoughts and prayers.
Kevin and Mary Frances