Thursday, September 21, 2006

Good Report

Preliminary reports from today's blood draw at MD Anderson are better than lab tests two weeks ago. One thing we learned quick was there will be mountaintop highs and valley lows, so we rejoice and thank God for good reports.

Thank you all for giving names of doctors and encouragement for more eye surgeries. Just like her retina specialist predicted about her right eye, the refractory is very different now and with post surgery she has to keep it dilated for a month. We just pray with the cataract surgery in November that all the blur will be gone.

Andrea and I followed your other good advice also. While J. is at work, we've gone shopping. I'm at a loss sometimes trying to describe what she is wanting to see and buy, but she's managed to spend a bundle anyway.

We have faith your prayers for Andrea's sight is at work. I feel like the blind man's miracle of seeing was recorded in the Bible so that we too have hope.
Prayers of thanksgiving for you,


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear the good reports. And we all know that shopping is the best therapy. Good for both of you. My prayers continue to come your way. I think about you all daily.



Anonymous said...

Great NEWS!
I think of you daily and our prayers continue daily as well. We took Jadyn back to Memphis today to the ENT specialist and received a good report too! She does not require surgery at this time.We are celebrating too! Enjoy Shopping and planning for your wedding!!!
Love and Continued Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Andrea, I am still praying for your eyes.

Your Brother in Christ!

Anonymous said...

Some "retail therapy" is always good medicine!! We continue to rejoice in good news and pray for wisdom for doctors and peace for you all. Much love flows from San Antonio!! Love, Doug and Gay

Anonymous said...

Andrea, you are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We talk of you so often that it seems as though we know you very well. Betty talked about you a lot when she was here. We had such a short visit. Keep up the good work and continue to shop. That always makes me feel better. Love, Aunt Peggy

Anonymous said...

I love you girls...only a few days until the Grand Canyon!!!