We received the final reports from the bone marrow biopsy with an "All Normal and Merry Christmas" note from M.D. Anderson. What wonderful news!
Andrea goes to the retina doctor this week and the doctor who removes cataracts just after the beginning of the year. The left eye cataract surgery is scheduled for Wednesday, Januaray 17, 2007. Progress is slow but we are still hopeful Andrea will be able to drive again. Please keep her eyes in your prayers. God has answered so many of our prayers. Praying and believing are so important to us all.
We wish everyone Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Last year at this time.........
It is so good to see how well you are doing. Your life is such a beautiful testimony to love, grace, faith, prayer, hope, and never giving up.
It is so good to see your beautiful smile on the blog.
Andrea, I am wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. My wife and I have been praying for you right at one year.. and I will not stop until you are completely healed. God Bless!
Your Brother in Christ!!
Andrea,We are so happy with the good news and will continue to pray for you. We hope you, J., and all of your family have a Merry Christmas.
Alice and Art Henderson
Hi Luthringer family,
The holidays have been hectic as usual and I am just catching up on the news. It is wonderful and awesome, as is God. Our prayers continue in the new year for all of you. Please keep in touch.
Kevin and Mary Frances
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