We are so grateful for Linda Jarnagin and Ann Locke. They have been preparing for Sunday's Chevron/Aramco Houston Marathon for months. Both Linda and Ann raised their goal for their generous donation to the Texas Gulf Coast Leukemia Society which provides so much support to the fight for lives and research for a cure. Also, we give a special thanks to all who donated to this worthy cause. We need to pray for good weather because the forecasters are not sure when the wintery blast will hit Houston. Linda and Ann said they are taking all kinds of weather gear. We have confidence they will make it through! A local TV channel will cover the event Sunday morning and the online site is www.chevronhoustonmarathon.com where you can go to "athlete alert information" to follow their progress. These are two very special ladies who are driven by Andrea's struggle for life and health, and we appreciate them so very much.
Kathy, Andrea looks great. We were so pleased to spend the week-end with Andrea and J. here in Mississippi. I believe she had a good time. She spent a lot of her time trying to figure out "which kids belonged to who" ha. J. has a lot of first cousins and they all have children. I am going to send her pictures and label all the children so she will know who they are when we all come for the wedding. She also attended one of my grandson's basketball games. We really enjoyed spending time with them.
Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers for great success with your eye surgery this month. We certainly enjoyed having YOU and J in Mississippi for a few days!
Hey, just wanted you to know that we'll be prayerfully remembering you tomorrow...can't wait to hear that the surgery was a success and that you're driving again! Please tell your mom and dad that we said hi. Sure have been thinking of them as we've been preparing for a big move to Thailand. Sam actually left yesterday and I'll join him after Vanessa is settled in college.
Love you, Tracey
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