Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is Andrea's 1 year old birthday. A year ago today she received her sister's marrow which saved her life and gave her a fresh start. When you look back at all the little things that she has gone through since, you realize that her life itself is the most important thing we have. Unfortunately she has to receive a bone marrow biopsy this morning at 10AM, so pray for her to be without any pain. What a wonderful birthday present? I don't know how see does it, but she takes everything like it is no big deal. Get me in there and I would be fighting and screaming. Don't forget the other new post below that covers the eye surgery she had last week.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Today I pray that you have had zero pain during your bone marrow biopsy and I will continue to pray for you each and every day! Keep us updated on how the eye surgery progresses.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! You are such a complete inspiration. We pray for your eysight and we pray for complete recovery. God is GREAT!!

Love Brian, Melissa, Peyton and Devyn Green

Anonymous said...

Well, Happy Birthday! You go girl. I sure hope your eye is better. You continue to amaze me. Love, Aunt Peggy

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy Birthday Andrea! Continuing to pray for you as you "lean on the everlasting arm" for restoration of your eyesight.

Leaning with you, love mByr

Anonymous said...

We have been checking and keeping up with Andrea's progress. She has come so far, and we continue to be amazed at all of her progress. She must be one of the strongest people in the world. We are keeping Andrea in our prayers always. She has truly experienced a miracle (LOTS of miracles!) We pray that Andrea will continue to get stronger and this will all be behind her soon.

Amanda Bishop
Sandra Carabotta