Friday, December 05, 2008

Getting worse before getting better

Even though the numbness in the arm subsided a bit, Andrea is experiencing the stinging/prickly feeling in her cheeks and a stiff neck. The preliminary report on the MRI tonight was okay.
The brain doctor suggested foods to help re-build the nerve damage from the chemo. The headaches come and go often. Since she no longer takes steriods, the fatigue forces her to take naps. She is so good at doing everything in her power to get better.
As usual, we ask for your prayers.


Anonymous said...

We're still checking in and praying over here on the left coast for our pretty cousin in Texas. I finally got out my old albums from our trip out there to show the boys who exactly our cousin Andrea is. Unfortunately, as of recently, I know 2 more people that we are praying for in their fight with Leukemia.

I hope the holiday spirit takes your mind of your struggles.

Angie Deuel Foster
and all of your Oregon/Washington Family

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,

Still doing lots of praying, and it is always nice to read the blog so I know the specifics. Hope you have a great holiday and lots and lots of love to you and your family.

Love, Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Andrea, just to let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you for continued strength and healing. It is wonderful that your doctor includes a specific diet regimin for you to go along with the medications. Keeping you close in prayer, love mByr