Monday, August 24, 2009

Busy Schedule

Andrea has her ups and downs but is continuing to get a little better overall. Her determination comes from faith, hope and prayer that she will be able to eat and walk again. She has appointments every day of the week. When the lungs get clear enough our first hope is that she can drop the Tuesday and Saturday dialysis. Even on Sundays we go to MDA for a blood test and lung x-rays, which are improving.
Thank you for your continued steadfast prayers.


Anonymous said...

Please know you are in our prayers.
Love YOu! Shelia Calvary

Carolyn said...

Hi Andrea,

Sounds like everything is moving right along. I love reading the blog and seeing the word "better" and "improving." I'm praying that you can forgo the Tuesday and Saturday appointments, and that it happens soon. That sounds like a tiring schedule for anyone.

I pray also that the "ups" outweigh the "downs." Lots of love,


cristin steger said...

I hope you continue to get better each day!!! Love you,
Cristin aylmer steger