Saturday, August 29, 2009

Step by step

Andrea continues to try to improve each day with each doctor's, physical therapy or dialysis treatment. She can even con me or Betty into shopping for her and J's new house on the way home from these visits. Any distraction from these very difficult times is a treat as they build a more comfortable home for themsleves. We all admire her and J as they strive each day for a physical health.
The last MRI showed great improvement overall, but the hyperintensity over the part of the brain that controls motor skills is there, so we need to pray that it dissappates quickly. The neuro doctor said it may take 18 months or longer for all of this to occur, and it has been 7 months so far. Please pray for total healing......The TIRR therapists are so encouraging and rejoice at every improvement Andrea makes.
Your prayers are so important, as we pray for you all each day.


Anonymous said...

We pray that you keep improving, lots of love to you and Jay. We are in sorrow for your Grandfathers passing.. Chris & Linda

Anonymous said...

New House?????? How exciting!! Now, that's something to plan, dream, and shop for! Even makes therapy go more smoothly, I'll bet. No warrior is as strong as Andrea, we think. We just rejoice at the good news and continually lift all of you up in our prayers each day. Keep everything moving--and in the right direction!! We love you all--Gay & Doug

Thailand Tracey said...

Thanks for the update...were so encouraged by the great improvement you reported. I loved your little "con" story :)We're praying for nothing less than complete healing and in South African terms, we're praying for this healing "now now" as opposed to "just now" or "now". Much love to you all <3

Anonymous said...

Andrea and Family, know that you all are in my prayers daily.

God Bless!

Your Brother in Christ!!

Thailand Tracey said...

Always praying...just wanted you to know.
Sam and Tracey