Thursday, October 12, 2006

20/125 Amazing Grace

It was so exciting when the eye patch was removed today and the doctor measured Andrea's vision at 20/125. He wants her eye to heal for 3 weeks and he will give her a prescription for eye glasses. She said everything looks slanted right now, but that should straighten out with the healing process. She is seeing, though, praise God! - And attmepting to read a magazine with a magnifying glass for the first time since last November. The surgery involved removing her damaged cataract lens and putting in an acrylic lens in her eye. It corrects only distance vision, so that is why she'll be getting glasses for close up vision.
We also went to MD Anderson and her blood counts continue to look good. Again, praise God!
It was a very successful 'doctor' day!
Thank you for your prayers,


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to hear the news. That is wonderful. I continue to pray for a rapid healing of your eyes. And I am so happy about your blood levels from MD. It is all truly one big huge blessing, and an inspiration for all of us.


Tedfords said...

Yay! Wonderful news, Andrea! There is no limit to His blessings. So happy for you!

Krista & Nick

Anonymous said...

We will have Andrea's name on our banner tomorrow night for the Light the Night. Our little team as raised over $1000. Thank God for her sight. She is always in our prayers.