Sunday, July 12, 2009

Mega Appointments

Almost everyday this week Andrea sees several doctors or therapists each day. We count these appointments as blessings because it gets us going early and keeps us moving in the right direction of healing!
I think the most enticing appointment for Andrea is the speech therapist because she gives Andrea all kinds of tastes and stimulation in her mouth to help her learn to swallow without aspiration into the lungs. Again, it is such a fine balance on what and how to do it that it is really amazing to watch and try to help do the same thing at home when we leave.
Please continue to pray for the neurological condition to resolve and for her kidneys to improve so that she does not need dialysis. Twice a week Andrea's blood is drawn to determine if she needs dialysis. We went to MDA this Sunday afternoon and will find out tomorrow if she needs to go for dialysis Monday afternoon.
We do think of you all daily and pray for you too.


Anonymous said...

Andrea, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I pray for your continued improvement.

God Bless!!

Your Brother in Christ!!

Anonymous said...


Your determination is such an inspiration to so many. I know that all of this a lot of work, but it will pay off so much in the long run. Keep up the healing and we will pray for your strength to accomplish your goals.

Love you,

Michelle Meyer

Thailand Tracey said...

Andrea, Just wanted you to know that you and your sweet family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. We'll keep praying for improvements both big and small and long for the day when this is all behind you. Stay strong and keep up the good fight.
Much love,
Sam and Tracey

Betty Rexrode said...


What a tough slog this has been for you, J. and both families. I'm always amazed when I read Kathy's accounts of your days. I pray for strength for your care givers and strengh for you that you can overcome these adversities.
God bless all of you.

Love you,