Thursday, February 02, 2006


Andrea went back to MD Anderson today thank God she is still in Remission! We just have to get our baby to gain weight so she can get stronger, as well as getting rid of this nasty cough before we can proceed with the bone marrow transplant. The doctor was very optimistic when the results came back from her bone marrow biopsy...only 3 blast cells (5 & below are normal). It was a very long day for Andrea, she was at the hospital from 10 AM to 6:30 tonight and is very happy to be home again. Tomorrow the doctor will be examining the calcification on her hand and arm, so far it appears to be healing. Right now her major challenge is he nasuea, which is caused by all of the anti-biotic medication they had her on, hopefully we found a way to remody this today with new prescriptions. Andrea really appreciates everyone's thoughtful prayers, they are truly working & we love you all for that!


Anonymous said...

J. I was really glad to see your message tonight. I know the days Andrea spends at the hospital are long and tiring but the end result will be a good one I am sure. I was in our family. The road is really rough and long. We will continue to keep you both in our prayers and thoughts. You would be surprised at the number of people here that ask about you on a daily basis. Keep up the good work and I'll look forward to another good message. Love you.

Anonymous said...

You are the most amazing girl that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I can't even begin to imagine what you have been through, and what you are going through. Please try to keep your spirts up. After you get through this we all are going to spoil you. You are so great, and I admire you more than you will ever know.


Anonymous said...

What awesome news! I know that you are so excited that you get to forego another round of chemo :)That has been one of my prayers all along- that you wouldn't need even one more round. It's great to hear that you are getting stronger while you're able to recover at home. Praise God from whom all blessings flow :) Love you girl

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
Kevin and I are always happy when there is a new message, especially when it is a good one. We keep praying and sending good thoughts. Hey, Andrea if you ever need help from a nurse at home, remember me. I would love to come help you with anything.
Keep up the good work both of you and say hello to your parents.
Mary Frances and Kevin

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Give Andrea a hug and tell her that we are still pulling for her. Hopefully the med's will make a difference where she can eat more and start gaining her strength back. Keep your spirits up and continue to take one day at a time. Hope you guys have a good restful weekend. I think about you guys daily.
Randall/Irwin Mtg, Atlanta

Anonymous said...

What a blessing! We have been praying relentlessly for you to stay in remission. You are doing great. We love you. Stay strong.

Patrick and Andrea

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea,

I am so relieved to hear that you are in remission. What wonderful news. We will continue to pray for your lungs and eyes. We also pray that your tummy will be back to normal.

Keep up your spirit and positive attitude.

Love, Alice Henderson

Anonymous said...

What great news! You are evidence of how great God really is. I will keep praying for your vision, strength and tummy. Stay strong and keep up your positive attitude. Have a great week in your own bed. I miss you!

Lindsey Dinges

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea -- just to let you know that I have been thinking about you and continue praying everyday. I do believe in the power of prayer, because I know it was what brought me through my cancer. I know those days at MD can be long, but they are all focusing on the right goal, which is for you to be well. I still believe that MD is a well-oiled machine, and runs pretty smoothly for all the patients that pass through. We have had good times there and not so good, but overall, I would say they were mostly positive.

Remission is such a good word. My doctor told me that the word remission is only used with leukemia and lymphomia. With all other cancers, it is NED (no evidence of disease) and that is my diagnosis, which I am always glad to hear. So between your Remission and my NED, we will be fine. I truly believe that. If you have the energy this weekend, I would like to stop by for just a minute. In the meantime, try to regain your strength, so you can start the path to recovery. You are always in my heart and my prayers.

Love Carolyn Frazier