Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Home At Last!

Andrea was greeted at home by her dog, Zeus. They were both so happy. As I was getting her medicines sorted, J. came home and created a spreadsheet to keep us straight. Yes, that many multiple meds: Morning, Noon, Mid-afternoon, Evening and Bedtime. She has a very rigorous 2 weeks before the medicines slack off. But, thank goodness she is home. It is also her father-in-law's birthday, so we all had double reason to celebrate.
So far everything is going well with Andrea's sister, Kristin. She is taking the neupogen shots and hopefully will donate her stem cells on Thursday.
God has got us this far, so please keep on praying.


Anonymous said...

Dear Andrea and family,
I'm so glad to know that Andrea is home, and she is in good hands with those spreadsheets. They really are helpful. And I'm happy for Zeus, that he has you home, and I'm also happy for Jay and your family, and especially you.
There's no place like home.......it's so true.
Love you so much, and sending prayers yout way, as always.



S. Farris said...

It was good to see you today and hear that Andrea is home. I know there's still recovery to go, but at least she can do it in her own home. We'll keep praying for her continued strength and endurance!



Anonymous said...

woo-hoo for being home Dre! Love you

Alice said...

Hi Andrea,

Sorry I haven't written in a while but for some reason it would not go through. We are so excited that you are home. We hope to see you soon and please let us know if we can help out in any way. God Bless you and your family.

Alice and Art

Anonymous said...

You go girl! I am so pleased to hear that you are home and I know Zeus was happy to see you. My baby Tess was happy to see me today after an absence of three days. I have been in Biloxi for three days at a reading conference..beautiful!
The coast is starting to rebuild. Love Peggy