Thursday, April 23, 2009

Home Monday??

Plans are being made to go home Monday, April 27, but Andrea says that with reservation because she does not want to "jinx" anything thing in the works. However, with prayer, we are making plans that it will happen. The swallow test today was better than that one month ago, which means the neurological condition is improving even if it is slow. She is still having problems with high blood pressure which the kidney doctor attributes to blood vessel leakage rather than kidney function. The kidneys are trying to do their part....somewhat!
Your part in prayer is very critical, so thank you very much. We continue to remember you and your family in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

Sh! Shh-h-h!! But we are whispering, "Yea! for home!!" Our prayers are louder tho as we continue to talk to God about your healing and getting into the "flow" of normality!! We are so thankful for all the miracles God is and has been doing--and we pray for more!! You didn't ask for it, but you are our heroine!! Go, Andrea!!! Love to you all--Gay & Doug

Emily said...

Praying specific prayers that Andrea gets to go home on Monday!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, the progress may be slow, but it is a healing progress in the works! Praying for your continued restoration to feeling better in the days ahead. This is good news! You just keep on, keeping on and prayers from many will continue to lift you and your family in His name. Love, mByr

Thailand Tracey said...

My Monday is finished....yours is just beginning. Praying that you'll be packing your bags today as we know there's no place like home.
<3 Tracey

Anonymous said...

So happy for the great news! Kathy we are in Katy now and would love to see you at some point. I am thrilled that Andrea is on the road to healing. She is one special girl!

Teresa Vassilaros