Thursday, May 28, 2009

Out of ICU!

Andrea left ICU about 7 p.m. last night. It was good to sleep in a quieter room on the 11th floor without hearing all the alarms beeping from other rooms. Many nurses came by as she was coming in to say "you go, Andrea, we are here to help you get back home". That was just so supportive of them to do that! She is also getting her trache adjusted tomorrow so that it should be easier for her talk, and for us to understand. Today Andrea was already sitting in the neuro chair and sitting up on the side of the bed with the help of the physical therapist. Every bone and muscle of her body aches, but she is limiting pain meds so she can move about and get going again.
Thank you for your prayers. As our regular doctor was leaving rounds this a.m., Charley, a pastor from Second Baptist came in and led a powerful, thankful prayer for Andrea leaving ICU and improving. It was perfect timing as all of your visits are just when Andrea needs a boost. You must know too, that we do feel YOUR prayers from wherever you are. We thank God for you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you are Heavenly Father for the answer of prayer!!! Andrea, my thoughts and prayers are with you! I will not stop praying until you are healed. I am praying you can go home soon!

God Bless!

Your Brother in Christ!

Anonymous said...

Tears of joy and thankfulness were shed as I read this. Thank you so much dear Heavenly Father!!!!

Prayers and love will continue to surround you each moment of each day!

We love you,


Anonymous said...

We are so very proud of you!!!Lots of Love, Aunt Peggy and Uncle Dan.

Anonymous said...

WOW! Praise GOD! It is only through HIM that all of this is even possible. I am moved to tears every time I hear of your progress.
I thank my God upon every rememberance of you. Philippians 1:3
Jocelynn Goff

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful report!! I am thanking GOD & praising HIM!!!!! What a blessing to have so many nurses rooting for you. They have come to know you & your family's walk with GOD. What witnesses you are being! We will continue to pray for your strength & healing. Susan Bruton

Anonymous said...

such wonderful news! I pray your next post is that she is heading home!


celia morales-lewis

Anonymous said...

Yea Andrea!!

I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend and out of the ICU. I will be in town in the coming weeks and will come see you. I am so thankful that God is hearing our prayers!!


Michelle Meyer

Anonymous said...


We are so excited to see you have left ICU and on to a regular room. Keep improving and getting better to make that next move home. We will continue to lift you up in prayer.
grace and peace,
greg and sue

Erin Hall said...

I am so happy to hear that you are out of ICU, i knew that you could do it!!!!
Continued prayers are with you and your family Dre.

Thailand Tracey said...

Yeah! We're so thankful to learn that you're out of ICU...and will continue pleading and praying that you'll be out of the hospital and into your own home very soon.
Our love always,
Sam and Tracey