Monday, December 26, 2005

Andrea's blog

Today, I figured that I would start a blog for Andrea to inform all her friends and loved ones how she is down every couple of days. I thought creating a place to talk and pray for Andrea would be great for everyone. Feel free to post messages for Andrea anytime and will be sure to read her your words. She would love to hear from all of you.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted you to know that all of us in the Atlanta Wholesale Office is thinking of you. We have been checking with Sherry/Denise every day to see how you are doing. The website is great and we will be checking it for updates. Keep your faith and hopefully you will get a little stronger every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Randall Chumley/Atlanta Wholesale Office

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea. I'm Corinna. I've not had the pleasure of meeting you. I'm an AE with the Phoenix office, but live in Havasu working out of my home. You've been in my prayers since I learned of your condition. I know God will continue to watch over you. I pray for a speedy recovery for you. God bless and take care. C :)