Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Finally, about noon today, Andrea had a tube put in lower tummy so she can receive nutrition. She told us yesterday, "let me eat and I will get well". So, by late this afternoon, Tuesday, she can get some formula into her tummy so she can get stronger and help her beat this congestion in her lungs. It really is a difficult battle, because it is hard to have strength to cough up what is in her lungs. She is a resiliant young lady who has your prayers to call upon God for healing, and she definitely thanks God for you all daily.


Anonymous said...

I love your steadfast resolve and faith Andrea! So glad to know they are putting food in your tummy! I remain yours, praying for your ever increasing daily strength and healing. love, mByr

Anonymous said...

We are praying and watching these notes daily to know the specifics to pray for you, Andrea. It is good to hear that nutrition is coming to you now. May His Healing Hand reach out daily and touch you. Keeping you before Him in prayer. G.Leffingwell

Anonymous said...

Bring on the steak and potatoes (via tube!) Now you can have all that good "fattening" food and get stronger each day. It may not be your favorite way to eat, but it is a good way!! Our Conner had that for awhile and he is doing great now!! Love you ALL!! Doug & Gay

Anonymous said...

Dear Lord, our love one Andrea is ill, touch her, I beseech Thee, with the healing grace of Jesus Christ and make her well.
You gave our loved one life and you have the power to renew her life. We put her in Your kindly and loving hands, knowing that no harm can come to her while in Your care, whether on earth or in heaven.
I believe in Thy power to heal the sick. Through faith the tremendous healing force of God the Creator re-creates. I hold our loved one up to Thee and humbly ask that You will lay Your hands upon her and restore her, even as You did to those about whom we read in the Bible.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever and You, Dear Lord, can give new health and strength to our dear one. This we humbly and earnestly request in Thy holy name. Amen

Anonymous said...

You are amazing...just so strong and such a wonderful example of faith and courage for all of us. Get your strength back up and keep coughing until it's all gone. I pray for your healing daily and look forward to all the new blogs. Hang in there sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

Lord, I come before you today humbled by your Creations! Blessed by your Goodness! Grateful for your Mercy! Father God, I bring Andrea before you.. touch her body with your powerfull hands. Show her your favor and heal her lungs. God, provide Andrea a peace that passes all understanding. I ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ!

Your Brother in Christ!