Saturday, November 17, 2007

Still at MDA

It will take a couple of more days for the test results to come back, but the spinal fluid did show some bacterial meningitis, but not the contagious kind. Everyone is taking all precautions and the doctors are monitoring Andrea very closely. Andrea is being a real trooper again as the head and neck pain would be untolerable without the pain medication and antibiotics. Even with that, she is in quite a bit of pain. They have been continuing the radiation treatment so that is still on target for eradicating the lesion.
Please keep up the powerful prayers as we pray for all of you. There is a peace knowing so many people are praying.


Anonymous said...

Kathy, you are still in our thoughts. We talk with Betty often to ask about Andrea. I know from experience how hard it is for you. Lots of love here in Mississippi. Peggy

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear from you. I believe in the power of prayer, so we are all praying for Andrea's quick healing through all of this. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are always with Andrea and her family.
Love, Carolyn

Anonymous said...

Sweet Kathy & Andrea,

Just so you know, not only am I praying with all my heart, but all your friends are thinking about you and praying for you everyday.

My dad's best friend has added you to his church's prayer chain, my cousin has added you to her church's prayer chain and so on and so forth. I can even begin to list all the people who are praying for you.

I love you all so much. God has brought us this far, He will continue to hold us up.

Erin Kay

Anonymous said...

Also, just so you know, I meant to say "can't" instead of "can" in my last post...

Love you guys.