Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Healing from Home 1-25-06

Today was another healing day for Andrea. We all went to her apartment and was her first time back there since Thanksgiving. She enjoyed getting out the house and taking a ride in the car.

She wanted everyone to know that the ends of two of her toes fell off last night. There were two perfectly new toes underneath the old ones. We were scared that she might lose these two toes completely, but thank God that wasn't the result.

Tomorrow she will be going into surgery on her left eye at 10AM. Please continue to pray for her eyes, lungs, and overall strength. She is doing great but is very weak. Everyday I can see her gain more and more strength. Keep the prayers coming and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Dear Andrea and J,
It was so good to see your report today. I have been anxiously awaiting it, as always. Your toes are a miracle, your vision will be a miracle, and you are the biggest miracle of all. You have faced and made it through so many obstacles, and you are doing so well. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you daily. God bless you all.


Carolyn Frazier

Anonymous said...

Hey guys-
I'm sad I wasnt at the apartment when you came by, it would have been good to see you. Keep getting better Andrea...I'll be praying for your operation to go well tomorrow. I would love to come see yall at J's soon, maybe one day next week?? I miss you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea and J
OK Girl.. You are amazing keep up the good work. J God has answered all of yours and our prayers to get her home. Love is greatest healer of all. Andrea we love you too...
Kay, Larry, Nikk, & Kaydee'

Anonymous said...

Andrea & J
I am so proud that you are having good days now!! GOD IS SO GOOD!
I continue to pray for your vision Andrea. I spoke with our #1 opthomologist today and asked questions about your retina damage, the folding of your retina. He said it can improve with time, as we are praying so diligently for this to happen. I pray that your surgery today goes well, with great results!
Continued Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Dear Andrea,

We are so happy that you are home and now you are close to all of your friends in Katy. God has truly answered our prayers. We look forward to more good news and to seeing you soon. God Bless you, J., your parents and J.'s parents.

Love, Alice Henderson