Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Home At Last 1-24-06

Yesterday Andrea got to come home at 1PM. She was up at 4AM taking a shower and getting out of her hospital gown. They finally let her go and we headed to the eye doctor for a check up on her right eye and a pre-op for her left. She was able to read some big letters and her right eye continues to improve.

She was so happy to be home from the hospital. We just sat around till about 10PM talking and celebrating with family. It was my Mom's birthday and she received the greatest present of all. Andrea is finally home. She is still scheduled to receive surgery on her left eye on Thursday of this week.

Her trachea is still healing and she has an annoying cough. Once it heals she have an easier time coughing up the junk still left in her lungs. We worked out today and she walked down the street this afternoon with me. She also got to take a ride in her wheelchair down the street on this beautiful afternoon. She also did some walking and is getting stronger each and every day. Keep the prayers coming and we God will heal Andrea. She is so beautiful and needs everyone's support. God Bless and talk to everyone tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! Great job, Andrea!!! That is the greatest news ever! I am sure that it is so much more comfortable at home. I am so grateful that you have such a wonderful support system in Houston. I love you and think of you all of the time!

Lauren Wylie

Anonymous said...

I am so proud for you both. Keep the news coming. I look forward to your daily messages. Everything is going to be OK now.

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah! God Bless and sleep well Andrea. We love you so much and are so grateful to God for keeping you here with all the people that love you. Hold tight to Zeus and J.
Say Hi and congratulations to your Mom and Dad.
Kevin and Mary Frances

Anonymous said...

You can count on us in New Mexico to keep on praying! It is an inspiration to all that have been touched by your lives--you'll never know just how much. How happy we are for you all to be home--Happy Birthday, Grandma!
Jasmine's mom,

Anonymous said...

Andrea & Jay praise his Holy Name. Thank you Jesus for the miracle you have provided! Andrea, it makes me stronger in my faith to see the miraculous way the Lord has answered our many prayers. I continue to pray for you and your family daily. As I mentioned in a prior comment I do not know you personally but only heard of a young woman in need of prayer. Thank you for letting me pray with you. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your miracle. Ask, Seek, Knock.

Your Brother in Christ!

Casey said...

Praise the Lord! That is such great news! I'll be praying that she continues to get stronger every day...

Anonymous said...

Is there an address where cards and notes can be mailed to now that you are home at your parents' house?

Anonymous said...

andrea, my luthy luth
you are finally home! yeah.
what an awesome present fo yo
momma. heard from schleg you are
doing great & i am so proud of your improvement. i know zeus is so stoked to see ya and you can wholler in your own pjs. i love you and am gonna come visit as soon as i move back. beginning of march. j, thanks for it all, she is amazing and you have been the greatest for her. love you and
keep on trucking,
leighton cromwell

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is such wonderful news. I am so happy to hear that Andrea can finally relax and get better at home! I know Zues is going to be happy about that, too!

You are in our daily thoughts and prayers,


Anonymous said...

I bet she is SOOOOO happy to be home with all of you (and Zues). I will be praying for her eye surgery on Thursday.


Anonymous said...


I am so very proud of you... You are such a stronge woman. I know you are going to beat this! God is on your side! I love you and continue to pray for your recovery.

Andrea (Britton) Reynolds

Anonymous said...

Hello Andrea,
I wanted to let you know that all of us here at Centerpoint wish you a fast and complete recovery. We would like to send you a small gift but don't have an address for you. Where would you like me to send it?
You are doing a great job!
Take Care.

Michael Sanchez

David Michael said...

Fantastic! Way to go!!

Day by day in everyway you are getting stronger and stronger.


David & Phyllis