Monday, January 16, 2006

Keep on Walking 1-16-06

Andrea is doing so well and continues to get out of bed to walk in the room. Today she got up to walk to the bathroom in her room six or seven times. She still requires support, but she is getting better each and every day. Today Physical Therapy came and she stood with a walker five times. They will continue to come each day until she leaves the hospital.

They switched her diet again to a solid diet and she did very well on supper. She ate a baked potato, pudding, milk shake, and some cherry cobbler. No more puree diet. They also took her off of all oxygen support today and she did fine. Tomorrow she will finish the last of her antibiotics. They continue to monitor her elevated calcium levels and are trying to control them with some meds. Let's pray they get this under control.

The liver doctor was extremely impressed with Andrea's current condition. Her pulmonary doctor told me that if she continues to progress at the rate she is going he doesn't see why she couldn't leave the hospital in 4-5 days. We are still waiting on the eye doctor to come by which is suppose to be Wed. If he wants to do surgery later in the week they will leave the trachea in till this is complete. Let's all continue to pray that her vision will be restored with the minor surgery. Her kidneys have gotten better and continue their improvement.

Andrea just wants out of the hospital so she can cuddle up next to her dog and sleep in a normal bed. Let's all pray this happens quickly and she regains her vision, gets better at walking, and keeps her spirits high. Thank you everyone for all the support and keep the prayers coming. We will have this woman out in no time. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. You will be in your own bed soon. You are in my prayers daily. Love and miss you.


Anonymous said...

Your strength and determination are amazing. The faith that you and Jay share is inspirational to us all, and we are so proud of how hard you have fought. We are praying for you to keep progressing on a daily basis. We love you both.

Patrick and Andrea

David Michael said...

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Andrea, are you going to start training for the Tour de France? Keep fighting Horned Frog!

Anonymous said...

Andrea and J:

What wonderful new! You are progressing well and will be home soon. One of my favorite Christian Artist is Nicole C. Mullen; and I hope you have heard her song: "When I Call On Jesus." J. it goes along with the scripture you claimed to be on the blogspot! "When I Call On Jesus, All Things Are Possible!!" I will send this to you. What a Mighty God We Serve! What Grace He Supplies.

Love and Continuous Prayer,

Anonymous said...

You guys are AWESOME! I love you both!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, Good Morning!! Your daily improvement is wonderful. (Thank God) Be not afraid said the Lord for he is with you. It is such a blessing to watch the Lord work in your life.

Your Brother in Christ!

Anonymous said...


Be Not Afraid. God will hear you if you ask. Know that we are praying for you.

I also have leukemia. I was diagnosed in May 04. I have CML or Chronic Myleoid Leukemia. There is a drug called Gleevec that I take. My White Blood Count was over 400,000 in May 04, and now is 4.8.

I went into remission in August 05, but now is back in about 15% of my bone marrow. No leukemia in my blood.

Jesus has laid His healing hand on me again, and He will also lay His hand on you.

I am 54 years old, and otherwise in good shape. If He heals a 54 year old man, he will certaily heal you.

Keep your faith, and believe.

A brother in Christ in Katy, TX

Anonymous said...


I want you to know that I have been praying for you daily and everyone in my Bible study is praying for a speedy and complete recovery. It sounds like you are making amazing progress and will be able to go home soon. You are so brave! Keep up the great work!! And thanks to J. for the updates, I read them each morning!

Alicia (Moore) Whitley

Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea,
I want you to know that even though you did not decide to go to Pepperdine that I don't hold a grudge (go Waves!), and we pray for you everynight. 3-year-old Micah, and 4-year-old Hugh pray for our "pretty cousin Andrea who has sickness and germs in her blood--but is getting better." The boys were in 2 weddings this summer, wih Tuxedos and all, and what an amazing feat your own wedding will be! You'll have to post pictures on this blog. I rejoice with your family and friends in your recovery, and daily check on your progress. Do let us know what kind of treatments you have ahead of you.

Much Love from all the Deuel's and Weldon's,
Angie Deuel Foster