Thursday, May 11, 2006

Day (+1) - All is Well

Everything is going fine with the new bone marrow. Andrea's counts have not completely dropped, but they will eventually. Today she still is experiencing nausea, but it seems a little better than yesterday. She was able to eat a little more today than yesterday.

She continues to get up and get around just fine and her organ function is perfect. Hopefully everything will continue to go well and we will be out of the hospital in 21 days. Andrea has been in for a week now today. Emotional she is doing well and she says the process has gone by faster than she expected.

Please continue your prayers and I will keep you updated. Thanks again for the outpouring of gift and she really liked the messages everyone sent yesterday. Like I said in my last post you send messages to her through MD Anderson using the link to the left. God Bless and keep the prayers headed Andrea's way.


Kathy Luthringer said...

May 12. Day +2 Neutrophenic today, just where the doctors need Andrea to be now, with very low immuntiy to germs. We will need to curtail visits until Andrea is ready for them again.
Neutropenia is an abnormally low level of neutrophils in the blood. Neutrophils are white blood cells (WBCs) produced in the bone marrow and comprise approximately 60% of the blood. She is fatigued with nausea. As usual, she is a real tropper and getting through it. Your constant and faithful prayers are such a comfort. We know God is sending the miracles........if we just ask, seek, knock, it will be open to us (Matthew 7:7).
We are blessed to have you praying.

Anonymous said...

You are amazing. I admire your great spirit as you go through this long process. May God continue to bless you, protect you and heal you. You are in our prayers daily. Thanks to all who keep us posted with blog updates; it is great to follow your progress.
We love you,
Joe & Cathy Shea