Saturday, May 20, 2006

Morning of Day +10

We just woke up and ordered breakfast. Actually I ordered breakfast and Andrea ordered a milkshake. Her throat still hurts. The doctor just walked in while we were laying in Andrea's bed and didn't seem to mind. We had to get close for the time being. Andrea is still right where he expects her to be and he thinks the throat will get better sooner than later. Her platelet count and hemoglobin this morning were 19 and 7.8 respectively. Therefore she will receive a unit of each today. Other than that it will be normal day and we will continue to pray for Andrea's throat to heal quickly. Thanks for all the support and I will update everyone further when the day is over. Good Morning and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Hi J, Amanda and I are all still pulling for Andrea and praying daily, sometimes several times a day!!! Stay strong and stay close to Andrea and you will both come through on the other side. I have said before I am just amazed at Andrea's strength and courage, and at YOURS. Keep the Faith and just know that so many people are with you!!


Anonymous said...


We continue to pray for you and know that you will get through this most difficult part. You have been an inspiration to all of us especially Katrina. Please know that we are all with you.

Mrs. Henderson

Anonymous said...

J and Andrea:
It is great to know the doctor is pleased with your progress. Andrea, we are praying for your throat to be better very soon. I know the blood and platelets will help you to keep your strength. The Lord will carry you through this phase, just as before! Remember, When WE call on Jesus, ALL things are Possible!