Friday, May 26, 2006

We Have Grafting (Day +16)

Yesterday, Andrea's white blood cell count went up to 0.7. Then in the afternoon she started having severe bone pain in her hips. It took them a while to control the pain and she developed a fever which went away in the middle of the night. The bone pain is a sure sign that the grafting has begun.

This morning her white blood cell count had risen to 3.2 and the normal range is about 5-10. This afternoon she started to have more bone pain, but not like yesterday. Again, this a sign that the new marrow has started to grow. She did develop another fever and it is beginning to go down. They pulled blood to run test but they assure us that this is not out of the ordinary. They also did a skin biopsy of her back since her skin was a little flush. The biopsy will tell them whether the skin reaction is due to GVHD or a medication she is taking.

Her throat has begun to fell better and she is able to get some lighter foods and drinks down the hatch. It won't be long before she is able to eat everything she wants. Thanks to everyone for the support and keep her in your prayers. Hopefully Andrea will be leaving this place before we know it. It won't be long. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

J and Andrea:

I am so excited about your progress!!! God is GOOD! I am so glad you can eat and drink some, and it will get better daily.


Anonymous said...

As always you are in our thoughts and prayers. We feel your pain but know that it will get better. Keep your faith as strong as it has been.

Alice and Art Henderson

Anonymous said...

Hi Andrea --

I'm so glad for the good news but so sorry for the pain. It is the valley before you are back at the peak again. Hopefully, it will just be a very, very short time. You are continually in my thoughts and prayers and in my heart.

God bless you and we love you.

Carolyn and all the Fraziers