Saturday, May 13, 2006

Day (+2) and Morning of (+3)

Andrea's count continue to drop just like the doctors want. Her immunity is very low at this point and will probably get lower before it comes back. Overall she is doing well battling the nausea and discomfort. During the night her throat was hurting so the nurses gave her some pain meds. The doctor checked her out this morning and saw no mouth sores, but will keep an eye out. This morning her immunity reached a lower point, but this is all expected.

Please keep Andrea in your prayers and God will pull her through this trial. Again she thanks everyone for the gifts and messages. The ride so far has been so much better than her time at St. Lukes. Let's keep it that way. God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks J. for the continued updates. It is so wonderful that Andrea is doing just as the doctors have expected. I am so thankful that Andrea's lungs, kidneys and all other functions are well. That is an answered prayer! We hope to see you in July; we are coming to Texas on a Farm Bureau trip.

Love You Both,