Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Day (+12) and Day (+13)

Another delayed post. Yesterday Andrea had a pretty good day but today was difficult. Her throat is still giving her problems and she hasn't been able to eat. Last night and today her stomach started bothering her and she threw up several times. She has been in a high level of pain for the last week. Today she received platelets and blood. The grafting hasn't taken place up to this point so please keep on praying. Today her white blood count remained at 0.1. Like I have been saying, as soon as this occurs she will start improving fairly quickly. Hopefully this will happen in this next couple of days. Please keep your prayers coming her way and God will pull her through this. Thanks again for all the gifts and she send her love to each and every one of you. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Please know we are praying for you!
Remember, When we call on Jesus, ALL things are possible!


Anonymous said...

Andrea, I am so sorry to hear that you have been in some pain for the last week. I cannot help but to suffer some with you, that is why I pray for you often. God has placed a burden on my heart for you.. I don't know why but it is so. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ continue to pray for Andrea and the Lord will bless her.

Matthew 6:33
Andrea, "Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you."

Fear not for God is with you!!

Your Brother in Christ!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I started receiving emails from your sister and have followed you progress from the beginning. I tried to donate blood today in your name, but my iron was too low. Please know there are many people in Oklahoma that are praying for your recovery.

Anonymous said...


Hang in there and beat this!!!!!
We are praying for you in Mississipi.



Anonymous said...

Hey Andrea-

I've been keeping up with the posts sice I found out what you've been going through. I wish you the best with the transplant and the recovery. You're in my prayers. J we go way back to the little crazy kid soccer days and I just want to say you are doing a wonderful thing for Andrea! You two are amazing people!!

With Love,
Karin Asplin

Anonymous said...

But those who hope in teh Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

God bless you both.